We randomly picked a place that looked convenient to shops and restaurants on google maps, and it was a pretty good pick- We ended up with a corner room with the most amazing views of the city!
Eastland Park Hotel website

We just walked our freezing asses around town all weekend. We took off in the car on Sunday and went to Kennebunkport to walk around.

There was one highlight of stopping in this tiny, cold, windy beach town:
Daytrip Society
Onward we went, to Old Orchard Beach for lunch.
After eating all the clams the restaurant had to offer, we goofed around on the beach until our toes froze and then made a mad dash for my amazing heated seats to take us back to Portland.

We ate a ton of seafood. Sushi, sushi sushi. MMMMMmmmmm.

One night after dinner we bought hot moroccan mint tea to keep our fingers warm.

Down the street from our hotel was the most amazing little independent coffee house.
Coffee By Design
I bought some espresso beans, and i've been enjoying them all week.