2. last night we went to Al Green at the new House of Blues. I hadn't been to the HOB yet, so i was super psyched to see the inside. but surprise! it's just like the Avalon inside. it has two balconies. standing room only. my college friend Jesse Dee opened for Al, which i can only imagine was a dream come true. he and his band were amazing- definitely a great, appropriate opener for Al Green.
Al and his band were... amazing. he has such a stage presence. such great dance moves- if anyone else was on a stage dancing like he was, they'd look like a tool. but he has GOT it going on. his back-up singers, the dancers, the band... that was pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. he threw roses at the audience the entire time.

3. sometimes we take our bikes on field trips! this was my bike's first picnic. as usual, using our favorite bento boxes. i think this was some sort of salad with shrimp in it. now, with fall in full speed, weeknight picnics and bikerides are becoming a distant memory. excuse me while i go wipe my tears...